Tuesday, April 19, 2011

San Diego Orientation Trip (Day 2)

On base Miramar, at the ISMT the cadets gather around to learn about the M16, A4, and the M9 Baretta hand gun.

Hannah Nichols and William Bond shooting the M9 Baretta hand gun.

After shooting, the cadets got to see their targets, Ryan Comer and gotten the highest score.

After the ISMT the Public Affairs Officer took the cadets to Naval Aviation Water Survival Station.

Cadet Trevor Carlin got to try out the F-18 Flight Simulator.

Afterwards, the cadet's toured the C130.
This is Ryan Comer showing the pilots exit.

At the end of the tour the cadets gatherd up to take a group photo in front of the C130.

The cadets show their "War Face" for the camera!

Hello this is Cadet Ensign Dillon Graben. Today was a really successful day. We toured a lot on base Miramar. The first thing we did was the ISMT (Indoor Stimulated Marksmanship Training). Next, we toured water survival for all pilots of the USMC. Afterwards the whole unit went to go see the C130, where all the crew came out and explained their jobs.  The cadets asked many questions, got to view the cockpit (the control system of the plane), and they got to view the cargo hold. Cadets got to see the FA18 and the NV22. To end the day the cadets got to relax by going to the gym and pool to have some fun. Now back at the barracks preparing for tomorrow. –Dillon Graben

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